Welcome to Baby Blue Bunnies!

We absolutely love our bunnies and our guinea pigs and we believe that they, no matter how small, should have the best of everything and that is how our handmade treat business sprang to life.

Rabbits and guinea pigs are foragers, which means they graze on plants, herbs and flowers. This makes coming up with treat recipes so exciting as we can use so many beautiful, healthy, tasty ingredients. Our produce is sourced from local suppliers that deliver fresh Australian grown fruit and vegetables to our door.  We also love to grow a lot of our ingredients in our garden as we believe sustainability and looking after our planet is the way of the future.

Our treats are 100% natural with no preservatives, binders, seeds or nuts. They are made fresh to order and are the ultimate guilt- free treat packed with nutritional value and heath benefits. These home-made treats are a great way to bond with your pet and show them how much you love them.

The world needs a little more LOVE and JOY right now and this is our way of showing that.

One cookie at a time

Love to you all

Baby Blue Bunnies


Rabbit and guinea pigs treats